
Aug 132011

In this 2007 followup to his “Synthetic Worlds” book, Castronova sent me on a journey of new ideas. Some of his ideas made sense right of the bat, while others made me stop and reflect a bit. All of it is insightful and thought-provoking. Essentially, the work lays out a vision for what is expected to happen along the evolutionary lines that virtual worlds have been following since the early days of MMOGs. The book also discusses some projections and suggestions about how we can expect our real world to be affected by the very real trend that people are devoting more time inhabiting virtual worlds and spending more of their wages there.

The book lays out a set of predictions, each of which is elaborated on throughout the book. At the core of the book’s vision, is that as virtual worlds become more attractive to inhabit and earn income from than the “real” world, more people will spend more of their time there. This is no different than people who save up or dream of moving to a real-world location that will be more beneficial to them, for whatever reason – climate, taxes, job opportunities, etc. Millions of people already “migrate” to virtual worlds for a significant period of their time each week, and some of them have jobs and earn real income there, like “builders” in Second Life.

Another major point is that much of the attraction of virtual worlds and online games is the “fun” it provides to the player. Castronova warns that real-world jobs and experiences need to compete on that basis. I think many of us can look back at our prior TV viewing habits and recognize that we are spending much less time on that form of entertainment. An unfortunate consequence may be that we are also spending less time on healthy and rewarding outdoor activities.

Castronova’s main predictions from 2007 are as follows:
1. Even larger numbers of people will spend many hours inside online games
2. The public will come to think of game design and public policy design as roughly similar activities
3. Game design techniques may find their way into real-world policy debates
4. Public policy will begin to focus more directly on human happiness, even fun, than it does now. Ultimately, games will force “fun” onto the policy agenda.

One of the more believable changes that could come about, in my opinion, is that gradually, companies will begin to provide employment progression that is not limited to how many people can obtain the highest ranks in the company. In the same way that MMO players “level up” by reaching certain amounts of experience points, each person can proceed at their own pace to become knowledgeable and capable enough to earn the points necessary to reach each successive rank or title. Just as some MMO quests are simply not practical to “solo,” teaming with others would be required to develop some of the skills necessary to proceed up to higher ranks.

Additionally, we are starting to feel the effects that Castronova predicted with all the talk and activity around the “gamification” of mobile applications and real-world experiences – even to the point where many people feel it’s overused, such as getting a badge (icon or image) when you simply arrive at a physical location or click an icon on a website without having to apply any skill or strategy.

There’s more to the book than what I’ve highlighted, such as tax policy issues for virtual world earnings, but now it’s up to you to take that trip if you’re interested.

Jul 262011

What do destructive driving games and social checkin applications have in common? THEY’RE EVIL! .

I’m speaking from experience here. Many years ago I worked far away from home and sometimes would wind down the work day playing some Carmageddon – the *original* version. With red blood, not green blood. And human targets, not robots or zombies. The goal of game is to rack up points destroying people, property and other cars. After one prolonged session I tidied up my office and got into my car for the long drive home, except this time something was different. As I began to pull out of my parking spot, I began to notice my driving goals were different this time. I viewed fences, street signs, medians and other cars as targets for destruction and had to slow down and concentrate on driving normally. It was truly scary but I made it home safely, after which I instituted a personal rule to have a 30 minute cooldown period after playing before I would attempt to drive home.

Fast forward to the present. With the gamification of social applications, checkin apps like Foursquare encourage you to record your visits to local places like shops, churches and other sites. You earn badges as a result of your “checkins” to these places, even when returning at a later time. Any red-blooded gamer would realize that what better way to score a lot of points and earn badges than to drive around with Foursquare running on your mobile phone and clicking on each location as you drive by. Would you believe this makes you a really sucky driver? I guess I didn’t see that one coming. Even worse than Carmageddon since there’s no cooldown period. Had to put that one down for good.

At least I can find comfort in the fact that a new Carmageddon game is underway and this time I’m prepared!

Jul 092011

According to the Bartle Test, my primary gamer style is “Achiever.” One way this manifests itself is my never-ending pursuit of XBOX Live achievements. Trouble is, when I’m in the middle of the game, I have to stop and back out to my dashboard to see what achievements are available for the game and which are relevant to the current scenario/level/mode I’m playing in. This is a pain and takes me out of the flow of the game.

Thankfully, there is a cure. A number of generous developers have provided free mobile apps that provide me with a “third screen” so I can look up who’s online, what they’re playing, what achievements are available in the game I’m playing right now, and what tips or moves can help me achieve. All of this without exiting the game.

360 Live (iOS, Android) shows you achievement point totals for you and your friends, what your friends have recently been playing and who’s online. For each friend, you can get a complete list of their games and individual achievements and send them a message.

The XBOX Achievement Guide (iOS, Android) gives you info for all of the achievements – even the secret ones – for any XBOX retail or arcade game title. As of this writing, you won’t find the most recently published games listed, so it wouldn’t hurt for you to drop them a line and convince them to put out an update.

In my wallet I still carry a Mortal Kombat arcade game special moves cheatsheet from the 1990’s. Now that we have electricity, running water, and mobile phones,’s Super Street Fighter IV Moveset app (iOS) gives me a fighting chance by providing digital instructions to access any character’s special moves and combos.

Finally, when you need more info for an achievement, like which maps are in the Dark Corners expansion pack for Gears of War 2, searching on your mobile browser will get you to the right place before the next match starts.

Now get out there and achieve!