Oct 062011

Today Steve Jobs took his leave of us.

With his loss we have become a little smaller; our dreams have become a little dimmer; our possibilities have become a little less likely.

I am typing this blog entry on a Mac Book Pro using Pages. I have a Mac Pro in my study, a G5 in the boys’ bedroom, and a G4 in the garage. I have a Mac 512K (dealer upgraded to a Plus). I love my Macs if you couldn’t tell.

My first encounter with Apple was a game. Go figure. Way back in 1983 one of my friends got lucky, very lucky. His Mom bought him a Franklin computer. Franklin was at that time one of several Apple clone manufacturers and their Ace series was Apple compatible. The first thing we put on it was Ultima II. We played that game for hours, puzzled over the quests, and could never figure out how to survive on that spacecraft. Along with a lack of money, there was a big drought of computer buys between the Franklin and the next, but in 1989 after saving and scrimping I bought my first Macintosh; a Mac Plus with 1 MB of RAM and no hard drive at the small technology store in a Burdines.

I used that Mac Plus for years; for everything. I wrote, I programmed, I drew and painted, and I played games. I refused to believe that you couldn’t game on a Mac. All of my PC friends laughed at my furtive attempts to find and play games on Macs. A Mac gamer is an oxymoron they said. It was true, the number of titles was limited, but those that made it to the Mac were often top quality. Prince of Persia was astounding on the Mac Plus. The Manhole was a glimpse with what could be done and Myst was the vision of the future. By far my favorite early Mac game, and still to this day one of my all time favorites, was Reach for the Stars from SSG. It combined a simple interface, a challenging AI, multiplayer (hot seat), and excellent replayability.

Today we are in the age of mobile gaming and while many in the industry could see the impact and potential of gaming on handheld devices, Steve Jobs and Apple really brought all of the elements together. The number of game downloads from mobile app stores across every platform tells the story.

The impact he had on so much of what we do was so dramatic, so substantial. This little homage to Mr. Jobs can in no way relate the magnitude of that impact. I think what best sums up Steve Jobs is something he said at his famous Stanford University commencement speech,

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”

From his life we became bigger; our dreams became brighter; and our possibilities were shown to be more expansive than we had ever imagined.

Thank you Steve Jobs.

Sep 222011

Unless you’ve been living under that proverbial rock often referred to, you know that Tuesday was the launch of Gears of War 3, the long awaited, much drooled after third installment of the exclusive Xbox series. Some of you also know I had the Epic edition pre-ordered from the day it was announced. Being a huge fan of the franchise I couldn’t pass up on the included swag. I simply love the story background of Gears of War and being able to own part of its fictional history was the clincher for me.

I was a bit late to the Game Stop where my pre-ordered treasure awaited. As I approached the clock showed 12:03 AM and cars were already streaming out of the parking lot. As I passed them I glanced into the open windows: gamers they were. I could tell this from the glow of the faces, the manic intensity of the eyes; they reminded me of excited dogs, heads leaning out from the car window, tongue lolling back from the wind, their ears pulled back and set on the prospect of the adventure hurtling towards them.

In the parking lot itself a few gamers remained, I suppose the calmer lot, chatting and comparing swag. One fellow named Steve was brandishing his Retro-Lancer. Dressed in fatigues and wearing his COG medallion proudly, he epitomized the excitement this game release has summoned among the Xbox gaming community.

Inside, the store was calm, the big rush over. I had unhindered access to the clerk and was soon on my way out the door with my large boxed Epic edition.

You are now probably expecting the usual “I got home opened it up and started playing!” passage. Well, that’s not what happened. You see I am what our younger readers would call in kindness an “older gamer” and more commonly an “old-geezer”. I more than doubled Steve with the Retro-Lancer in age. So, at my home at around 12:30 AM on a tuesday with two kids sleeping for school and no decent headphones to be had (kids  and headphones do not long last), there was no way I was going to get away with cranking up the Xbox to the screams of chainsaws and blasting of explosives. Instead, I opened up the box and delicately took out the artifacts. The level of quality achieved by Epic in the production of these Epic editions are a new standard in the industry. The mix of story background material such as the Octus Award paperwork for Adam Fenix, to the solemnly posed Marcus Fenix figure results in a product that will be hard, nay, near impossible for a competing franchise to achieve.

The next morning I took my treasures into the office and set them up in the Place Of Honor. Top shelf (gasp, even above my Star Wars stuff!). I added in my signed John DiMaggio print and stood back to admire. I was giggly-happy, and I hadn’t even played the game yet. What game has ever done that? Easy, none. There is just so much to this, it’s more than a game and gears heads know this. This explains all of the tweeted  body tattoos, the donning of fatigues by a young man to buy his dream game in the middle of the night, and the willingness of its fan base to go to extremes to support the franchise. I know its been said that the chainsaw lancer is the new lightsaber. I may not go that far, but sure as heck right now there is nothing closer.

Sep 182011

With September’s Console Release Rundown, the overall structure is going to evolve, which should better fit with the article’s purpose. The amount of releases this month nearly doubled the numbers from July and August. It just wasn’t feasible to expect insightful and interesting feedback on all of them. So, a conclusion was reached: screw the ones we don’t care about, focus on the one’s we do.

Basically, the new structure is intended to strip out the noise and just bring you semi-informed opinions on the games that the BattlePlay contributors are interested in. Only truly interesting feedback will make its way into the article — “interesting” being determined by yours truly, which brings me the added bonus of BP’s contributors dancing competing for my acceptance.

Along with that, any game without any worthwhile opinions… well, they just won’t appear in the article. Consider this my pre-apology for the countless games that will be snubbed by BattlePlay and its humble contributors: Sorry…

With that in mind, let’s jump in to what September has in store. You can feel it in the air this month. The big dogs of the console gaming world are starting to make their presence felt, just in the nick of time for customers to start complaining about Christmas commercials coming earlier this year than last. It’s not the best lineup I expect to see as December approaches, but it is headlined by two of the biggest exclusives on the current gen consoles, both of which are trilogizing their franchise this month. In to the pool we go.

Resistance 3

Systems: PS3
Release Date: 9/6/2011
Price: $59.99

I don’t think any of BattlePlay’s contributors have spent any time with the Resistance franchise. However, it does deserve to be mentioned and commended. It’s one of the truly elite console exclusive franchises in existence. Though I haven’t played Resistance — for no other reason than I haven’t played it — Insomniac is one of my favorite developers out there. I assume the same quality that they bring to the Ratchet & Clank franchise also shines in the Resistance franchise.

As I write this, I’m really racking my brain to why I haven’t played played Resistance? This must be remedied.

Driver: San Francisco

Systems: X360, PS3, Wii
Release Date: 9/6/2011
Price: $56.99 (Wii: $46.99)

“I love SF. It’s a wonderful town and I’d love to drive in it. The problem here for me is if I drove in reality like I drive in driving games, I would be dead along with scores of innocents. To avoid an ego crushing feeling of automobile inadequacy, I don’t do driving games. I’ll take the trolley on this one.” — Steve Z.

Dead Island

Systems: X360, PS3
Release Date: 9/6/2011
Price: $59.99

“Unless you live under a rock you’ve seen the original Dead Island trailer. Mike wrote about this here. We all know the game won’t reflect the emotional depth of that trailer. That trailer is all that this game will be remembered for.” — Steve Z.

“Mike’s mental powers have put me off this game completely. I can’t wait to hear what he has to say about it.” — Kevin T.

Our contributors should note: mentions of my extreme greatness will guarantee your feedback a place in the Rundown…

Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten

Systems: PS3
Release Date: 9/6/2011
Price: $59.99

“I am getting this game. I have played every Disgaea game that has been released. Ever since I played Final Fantasy Tatics, i can’t get enough of these types of Tactics games.” –Kevin T.

Note: An, “I will buy this!” from Kevin == big deal.

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine

Systems: X360
Release Date: 9/6/2011
Price: $56.99

“I liked playing Dawn of War on my PC and enjoyed that more than Warcraft. Having not played that title for a while and getting to do it “Gears of War” style on an XBOX, it might be something I get myself for Christmas. Besides, the “insanely giant shoulderpads” (IGN) are reminiscent of my wife in the 80’s.” –Charles S.

NHL 12

Systems: X360, PS3
Release Date: 9/13/2011
Price: $56.99

“Borrowed a recent edition of NHL for XBOX from a co-worker and the rink seems so constraining after all of the Madden and FIFA I have played the past few years. Oh – and I never figured out how to take a proper shot. If Fox can reprise their old hockey title, I’m game, but I’ll pass on this one.” –Charles S.

There was so much buzz about NHL 11 being one of the greatest sports games of all time that I just had to pick it up. And, I’m not sure about all time, but the game was extremely well conceived, and amazingly polished. The problem I had with it: the controls are not meant for the casual gamer, not in the least. It took a while (30/40 games) to get a feel for the game, and even then my skills felt inept. The game leaves little wiggle room to appeal to a mass audience. If you’re a casual gamer that loves hockey, NHL 12 is probably not catering to you.

White Knight Chronicles II

Systems: PS3
Release Date: 9/13/2011
Price: $59.99

“The first release of WKC has garnered quite a following. It’s unique percentage based item drop algorithms have made haters of some and drove the collectors among us to distraction. Some of the rabid fans have racked up over a 1000 hours of game play just on this single title. As long as the developers stick to the formulas that worked the first time I can’t see this title doing poorly.” –Steve Z.

Gears of War 3

Systems: X360
Release Date: 9/20/2011
Price: $59.99

“I’ll come out and say it: game of the year in 2011. Gears of War 3 sets a new standard in triple A title development and with its masterfully executed beta, will go down in video gaming history as one of the legends.” — Steve Z.

To add to Steve’s hyperbole rich feedback: does anyone remember this trailer? This trailer was part of the original advertising campaign for the first Gears of War. It was enough to not only have me buy the game, but also the Xbox 360 needed to play it. My wife got both items for me for Christmas that year. I had it opened by Thanksgiving.

The Gears of War franchise was my first experience with the Xbox, and it is still my favorite. Tuesday can’t come soon enough.

Pro Evolution Soccer 2012

Systems: X360, PS3, Wii
Release Date: 9/27/2011
Price: $59.99 (Wii: $19.99)

“I already blogged my impressions and expectations for FIFA 12, so I downloaded the demo for PES to see how they compare. The pace that the players run at is a bit fast – like FIFA was a few years ago so that part needs fixing. PES does have nicely detailed player models which are evident in replays and closeups – maybe better than FIFA in that respect. I also like PES’s kick strength indicator which appears at the players feet and happens to be exactly where you’re looking when your about to make the pass. FIFA puts a bar indicator at the bottom of the screen and I can’t ever recall ever referring to that. So two nice touches for PES, but not enough to tear away a devoted and acclimated FIFA player.” –Charles S.

So, Who Should Get Your Money?

If you’ve spent any amount of time reading the posts on BattlePlay, you should already have guessed that GoW3 is the runaway winner this month of the coveted, “my income is not really where it should be right now, but I still plan to waste money on games” award (I’m still working on the title). It’s a favorite of mine so much so that I was willing to preorder it at Gamestop in order to play the beta. Gamestop never gets my money, but an exceptions was required in this case. When it arrives on Tuesday, all other gaming in my life can expect to be put on a rather long hiatus. There’s Locust to be gutted. There’s faces to curb-stomped. Gears of War rules my 360 again.

As usual, let us know what you plan to pick up this month, if anything.

 Posted by at 11:44 am