Aug 022011

As we start our exit from the soul crushing heat that accompanies the summer months, we also start the ascension out of shitty summer game releases. As shown in last month’s Rundown, July was a disaster, a real train wreck with respect to new games. But, with August comes hope. A handful of B-level games are slotted to release this month, and most of them seem to have the potential to provide a fun experience. I wouldn’t consider August’s lineup impressive. But it is a nice opening act for what’s to come in September, October and November.

With that, let’s take a look at what’s on the way to stores near you.

Phineas and Ferb: Across the Second Dimension

Systems: PS3, Wii
Release Date: 8/2/2011
Price: $39.99

My Take: I want this game, it’s as simple as that. I love the show, my two year old and I watch it every weekend over breakfast. That alone wouldn’t be enough to make me want the game. The fact that it’s being developed by ex-Ratchet and Clank developers gives me high hopes.

Bleach: Soul Resurreccion

Systems: PS3
Release Date: 8/2/2011
Price: $59.99

My Take: Bleach, the anime series, has been buried in my Netflix instant queue for quite some time now. I should probably start with watching that first.

Kevin’s Take: I use to watch this anime, but I doubt there is any game play in it. If I were to guess it is just an anime tie in that will rehash the story for your hard earned money.

Charles’s Take: Okay – being a big Bleach watcher, I dug a little bit into this. Gameplay looks a lot like a Dragonball game with lots of dashing around and button mashing. I agree with the video trailer commenter who observed that the game strategy aspect is a lot like Dynasty Warriors but faster-paced in my opinion.

Looks to be rich with characters and character evolutions so that will make the fans happy, although any slightest omission of a character, evolution or outfit will throw some devotees into a frenzy.

In the US trailers the characters have English voices. I hope Japanese voices can be selected.
I’m a Bleach fan but wouldn’t buy it at the retail price – maybe in a few years when it’s in the used games pile.

Disappointing that this is a PS3 only game. Anime lovers play XBOX too you know!

Deus Ex Human Revolution

Systems: X360, PS3
Release Date: 8/23/2011
Price: $59.99

My Take: For no particular reason, other than it was never on my radar, I’ve never played any of the past Deus Ex games. So, I can’t speak from first hand experience on the overall quality of the series. But the consensus on Metacritic seems to be that the series has always delivered quality. And the latest looks pretty good too. Splinter Cell-esque, interesting universe, probably everything fans of the series want.

Charles’s Take: Very sexy trailer

  • Protagonist is a grownup verion of Fullmetal Alchemist
  • Narrator sounds like Charlie Sheen
  • If the game mechanics support all of the fighting options shown in the trailer, will be interesting to see how well they balance the game controls so it’s neither a one-button push for everything nor something that requires six fingers on each hand and two controllers to execute

Kevin’s Take: I have been watching all the press about this game and it seems it has everything: stealth, combat, and story. I am really looking forward to this.


Systems: Xbox 360, PS3
Release Date: 9/30/2011
Price: $59.99

Kevin’s Take: No idea what this is but let me guess it is a first person shooter.

My Take: This game looks as superficial as it sounds. There’s a lot of explosions, a lot of bullets flying, but that appears to be all it offers. No unique mechanics, or powers were showcased in any of the trailers I found. Just shoot and hope you don’t get shot. Unfortunately for Bodycount, there’s plenty of triple A titles that bring that experience.

Madden NFL 12

Systems: X360, PS3, Wii
Release Date: 8/30/2011
Price: $59.99 ($49.99 on the Wii)

Charles’s Take: Hope it’s not just a “lather, rinse, repeat” of previous titles with updated rosters. A “players strike” minigame would add some more value to the 60 bucks retail price.

My Take: I’m not sure how the NFL lockout affected most of you, if at all, but it definitely fucked with my brain to the point that I might just pick up a copy of Madden this year. It’s been 5 years since I last purchased the annual money-making giant, but the fact that there might not have been football this fall left me looking for other avenues. Now that the lockout’s over I hope my impulse to buy Madden will subside. It might just be too late.

Tropico 4

Systems: Xbox 360
Release Date: 8/30/2011
Price: $49.99

Charles’s Take: Wow – this franchise has a 4th edition? I wonder if their using a bigger island now – like maybe North America?

My Take: Tropico 4 looks really good. So didn’t Tropico 3, for that matter. Unfortunately this type of game will always be fighting an uphill battle on the consoles. Hopefully Tropico 4 can bring some slick interface refinements to the console version, but I’m not holding my breath.

Air Conflicts: Secret Wars

Systems: X360, PS3, Wii
Release Date: 8/30/2011
Price: $39.99

My Take: From watching the gameplay trailer for Secret Wars I could tell that playing it would result in me expelling the contents of my stomach. Lots of barrel rolls… I can already feel my salivary glands kicking in.

Steve’s Take: Being a big air sim fan I have been watching this one. What got me concerned initially was the title itself, it sounded like they were trying to play off the fame of the legendary “Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe”. All of my concerns are being realized as more information on this title is released. I recommend you perform a gamer “Immelmann” and do your best to evade this title.

So, Who Should Get Your Money?

This month’s suggestion doesn’t accurately reflect my own intentions. But, my own intentions don’t best serve the greater good. I understand that Phineas and Ferb is probably not for most, but it is for me — pending a half-way decent review.

This month’s recommendation comes down to track record. The Deus Ex franchise has been solid and consistent over the years. And, Human Revolution looks like it will continue that trend. The setting looks amazing, the gameplay mechanics look impressive; it’s a solid B-level game that’s trying to be unique and provide the player with something engaging and new. For that alone it deserves your time. It deserves your money… unless it gets trashed by the reviewers, then you never read this.

With that, I leave you until next month where the featured acts finally take the stage. Let us know how you would spend your money on the August releases, if at all.

Jul 262011

What do destructive driving games and social checkin applications have in common? THEY’RE EVIL! .

I’m speaking from experience here. Many years ago I worked far away from home and sometimes would wind down the work day playing some Carmageddon – the *original* version. With red blood, not green blood. And human targets, not robots or zombies. The goal of game is to rack up points destroying people, property and other cars. After one prolonged session I tidied up my office and got into my car for the long drive home, except this time something was different. As I began to pull out of my parking spot, I began to notice my driving goals were different this time. I viewed fences, street signs, medians and other cars as targets for destruction and had to slow down and concentrate on driving normally. It was truly scary but I made it home safely, after which I instituted a personal rule to have a 30 minute cooldown period after playing before I would attempt to drive home.

Fast forward to the present. With the gamification of social applications, checkin apps like Foursquare encourage you to record your visits to local places like shops, churches and other sites. You earn badges as a result of your “checkins” to these places, even when returning at a later time. Any red-blooded gamer would realize that what better way to score a lot of points and earn badges than to drive around with Foursquare running on your mobile phone and clicking on each location as you drive by. Would you believe this makes you a really sucky driver? I guess I didn’t see that one coming. Even worse than Carmageddon since there’s no cooldown period. Had to put that one down for good.

At least I can find comfort in the fact that a new Carmageddon game is underway and this time I’m prepared!

Jul 092011

According to the Bartle Test, my primary gamer style is “Achiever.” One way this manifests itself is my never-ending pursuit of XBOX Live achievements. Trouble is, when I’m in the middle of the game, I have to stop and back out to my dashboard to see what achievements are available for the game and which are relevant to the current scenario/level/mode I’m playing in. This is a pain and takes me out of the flow of the game.

Thankfully, there is a cure. A number of generous developers have provided free mobile apps that provide me with a “third screen” so I can look up who’s online, what they’re playing, what achievements are available in the game I’m playing right now, and what tips or moves can help me achieve. All of this without exiting the game.

360 Live (iOS, Android) shows you achievement point totals for you and your friends, what your friends have recently been playing and who’s online. For each friend, you can get a complete list of their games and individual achievements and send them a message.

The XBOX Achievement Guide (iOS, Android) gives you info for all of the achievements – even the secret ones – for any XBOX retail or arcade game title. As of this writing, you won’t find the most recently published games listed, so it wouldn’t hurt for you to drop them a line and convince them to put out an update.

In my wallet I still carry a Mortal Kombat arcade game special moves cheatsheet from the 1990’s. Now that we have electricity, running water, and mobile phones,’s Super Street Fighter IV Moveset app (iOS) gives me a fighting chance by providing digital instructions to access any character’s special moves and combos.

Finally, when you need more info for an achievement, like which maps are in the Dark Corners expansion pack for Gears of War 2, searching on your mobile browser will get you to the right place before the next match starts.

Now get out there and achieve!