Jul 032011

I sat quietly listening to one of my peers going into intimate details about his life. I sat and listened contemplating if sharing with a large group of people would actually help me. My ears perked up when the leader of the group asked for new comers to talk at the podium. I looked around and slowly raised my hand halfway up, with my head slightly bowed in shame. When he beckoned me up, my heart started to race, as I walked to the podium.

My name is Kevin and I am a MMO Gamer.
“Hi Kevin” the crowd murmured in mixed intrest.

I have been addicted to World of Warcraft for more then 6 years. I have been clean for 2 months now. I was so addicted that I still get e-mail and read forums about it out of habit. That is where I heard about a new patch. At that time all I heard in my head was, just check it out what can it hurt. Luckily I stopped myself, and instead I started to unsubscribe from everything that deals with WOW. They say, you only need to do something for 3 months or so before it becomes a habit. I ask you how do you stop something that you have been doing almost on a daily basis for 6 years. It’s not easy that’s how. I wanted to quit for almost 6 months. I cut the cord when I realized that I had played very few other games in six years. I had no skills to manage my time, so I missed out on a ton of other great games. So once I quit, I went out and looked for highly praised games I missed out on playing.  Fallout 3, Grand Theft Auto IV, Dragon Age and the Mass Effect Series to name a few.

It has been a hard road, I still think about playing WOW. It is a struggle that I hope to end up wining. My wife is happy that I don’t mindlessly run to my computer when it is raid time. I am happy that I don’t have to rush home to play only to find out that not enough players are on. I will keep you all updated of my successes and failures. I will certainly keep you guys up to date on the new games I am playing. I want to always have a sandbox game (Fallout 3), a platformer (Bayonetta), shooter (bullet Storm), and a fighting game (Mortal Kombat) always at my finger tips to keep me on the straight and narrow.

Well that is all I have to share for now, I did not look at all to my audience. I just quickly got to my seat and hoped for the best.